If any problems occur during the upload process or during transcription, here are some simple steps you can take that fix such issues in 99% of cases.
AI hallucinations are for the most part rare anomalies seen in transcription systems.
Our AI can sometimes misinterpret silent sections of a recording due to added text in the original training data, like website names and other random bits of text.
On extremely rare occasions, our AI can add random text that’ll appear correct, but is actually not present in the original recording. This is due to our AI mishandling context within a given recording as it battles with silent/ambient sections within it.
If such inaccuracies occur, Try trimming out prolonged silent intervals or sections with ambient noise from your audio before uploading. If such issues persist, please reach out to [email protected] with the name of the transcript.
If either of these occur, please contact [email protected]
Try refreshing the page, in most cases the entire transcript will load.
If after refreshing the page, and the transcript/page remains blank, then it would indicate a failed transcript where an issue had occurred during the upload process. If this occurs, no transcription time will be deducted from your monthly transcription allowance, and the failed transcript will be automatically deleted within a week.
Re-uploading the recording again should successfully create a working transcript, but if the re-uploaded transcript also remains blank, then contact us as [email protected].
There are currently some issues with our audio player for a few of our users. It stems from the browser types, with issues mostly appearing when using Safari.
We are working on a solution for this, but as a stop-gap solution try using a different browser, preferably Chrome, and it should work perfectly.
We are currently aware of some issues regarding lag and slow performance issues with certain versions of Safari - if you are experiencing any of this, we’d recommend switching to Chrome or Firefox, doing so will immediately solve all such problems.